Saturday, June 23, 2012

Yesterday, was an extra day in Beaufort. We walked to the favorite local dive for breakfast. It was great, as were the people. We spent the day walking around town and getting caught up on things. The marina gave us their loaner car to pick up some supplies. As you can see, it was right out of the 80's.......a wood sided hogmaster station wagon. Nothing worked, the vinyl seats were all cracked, but it drove fine. We were told NOT to lock it as it would not reopen. We appreciated the wheels, and it was fun tooling around town in a "BEATER".

Today we left early again to get ahead of the predicted winds. We had to cross two large bodies of water and were concerned for the pets.As luck would have it, it was a mill pond out on the water(as Ken Sherwin would call it).  Tonight we are in the middle of nowhere at a mom and pop marina. It is cutesy and the owners take a lot of pride in their operation. We are very happy here.

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